
Comida y salud - Food & Health

Productos Biologicos - Buying Organic 

Veg box and home delivery

  • Biowasi - home delivery of organic fruit, veg and other products - Santiago
  • - Organisers of organic markets in several locations across Santiago. Veg box delivery.
  • Bokado - Organic and non-organic food - Santiago

Organic markets

Productos Vegetarianos y tiendas especializadas - Veggie & Specialist shops

  • Eco care - online shop for cakes, chocolates, empanadas (without  lard, dairy or eggs) - Santiago (online)
  • Diprovena - mostly vegan shop near Metro Los Leones - Santiago (online and shop)
  • Tostadurias or tiendas de frutos secos or in english shop for nuts, pickles and other random stuff - and (online and shop)
  • Granero del goloso - here you can get all sorts like Agar-agar, chia, nori etc... (online)
  • La Chakra - organic shop and cafe near Tobalaba - Santiago (shop)
  • Planta Maestra - two organic shops in the centre of Santiago (shop)
  • Arte vegetal - shop, mainly frozen and dried veggie foods, also does delivery - Santiago (shop)
  • Orgänisk - mostly imported stuff, though )o: - Santiago (shop)
  • Della Natura - shop with health and organic products, some recipes too. Various location in santiago
  • Emporio Organico - Organic bakery (not all of it vegan!)
  • Semilla - Lovely bread...
  • Chocolate - Munay chocolates naturales
  • Zen organics - Local tofu, soy milk and soy yogurt
  • Come-d'or  - schoquino and musli bars
  • Bien Verde - organic shop and cafe - (La Reina, shop)

Huertos Urbanos - Grow your own

Semillas Organicas - Organic seeds

Ayuda con los Huertos Urbanos - help for growing your own

  • Cultivos Urbanos (guide to planting and lots of useful info - guia para plantar y otra informacion util)
  • Horticultutra Urbana Proactiva - HUP
  • Planteria - delivery of products and sale of plants. They also look after plants if you go on holiday.

Recetas - Recipes

El mayor obstaculo para aquellos que quieren reducir el impacto que su alimentacion tiene en el planeta es que no saben cocinar recetas "amigables con el planeta". Aqui les dejamos un par de enlaces para facilitar la transicion!

The main barrier for someone to reduce the high impact diet they have is not knowing how to cook differently. Here are a few options for transitioning to a diet which is more plant-based:

Campanas - Campaigns 

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